Code of Ethics
NOVAVISION Group serves its current and future Customers thanks to the activities carried out in its corporate divisions:
- BIOTECH for the study, design and production of electronic, electromedical and electro-aesthetic equipment, training and the sale of cosmetics.
- RETAIL&CONTRACT for the creation, development and production of structures on specific Design studies created specifically for our Customers.
The Company is able to do this thanks to the support of the men and women who work within it, the collaboration of the companies that supply goods and services, the resources made available by the partners and the communities to which it belongs and in which it operates.
Awareness of these relationships and the responsibilities they entail has always been part of the corporate culture of NOVAVISION Group (hereinafter referred to as the Company). The principles and provisions that follow, coordinated with the procedures adopted by the Company in the various areas of corporate activity in relation to the individual points of this Code, constitute a model designed to comply with the specific provisions contained in (It.) Legislative Decree 231/2001, aimed at preventing the commission of particular types of crimes.
NOVAVISION Group will ensure a training and awareness programme on the issues pertaining to this Code of Ethics and application thereof to the individuals to which it refers, in order to enable employees, directors and all those working for the Company to carry out the their own activity and/ or own tasks in compliance with the principles and values of the Code.